După cum am menționat și aici, în următoarea perioadă voi încerca să scriu zilnic câte ceva pe blog. Însă, la nici 24 de ore de la publicarea primului text, am dat de primul impas.
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Plănuiam ca, începând cu luna februarie,să scriu zilnic câte un articol pe blog doar așa, fără motiv, fără o temă anume și probabil fără cititori :)) .
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I find it very hard to write about book. Moby Dick is a long, sometimes amazing, sometimes a burden, kind of book.
Since a resume of the action would be more than pointless, I’d like to present the ideas that struck my attention the most.
The honor and glory of whaling 🔗The entire action of the book revolves about poaching. And, to be honest, I never thought about that kind of activity. Read more»
I find it very hard to write about book. Moby Dick is a long, sometimes amazing, sometimes a burden, kind of book.
Since a resume of the action would be more than pointless, I’d like to present the ideas that struck my attention the most.
The honor and glory of whaling 🔗The entire action of the book revolves about poaching. And, to be honest, I never thought about that kind of activity. Read more»